Monday, October 31, 2022
Effective: 10/31/22
Dear Vice Versa Families,
During the COVID-19 public health emergency, Vice Versa has consistently followed the CDC’s COVID-19 guidelines for healthcare facilities to ensure the safest environment for our staff and children.
Recently, the CDC relaxed some of its recommended COVID-19 protocols for healthcare facilities and personnel, and we wanted to let you know about changes we are putting in place at Vice Versa. Our highest priority remains the health and safety of the children and families we serve. We will be relaxing some masks requirements.
Vice Versa and families will no longer be required to wear masks in the clinic, including staff who are working one-on-one in sessions with children. Staff will continue to social distance whenever they can. If you would like our staff to continue to wear a mask when working with your specific child, please let us know and we will be happy to accommodate your request.
Our COVID-19 protocols for children and staff exposed, or who have tested positive, are not changing.
We continue to ask that all our families self-monitor symptoms, and continue to report to us when children have been exposed to COVID or have tested positive for COVID. This self-monitoring is vitally important as we implement this new protocol.
All existing cleaning and handwashing protocols at Vice Versa are continuing.
If a child has tested positive for COVID, they will not be permitted to return to the center for 10 calendar days, regardless of their symptoms.
If a child has been exposed to COVID (e.g., lives with someone who has tested positive for COVID), they will not be permitted to return to the center for 10 calendar days - unless the child tests negative on day 5 or after (day 0 is the day that the family member tested positive). If the child has not attended the center for 5 days and has a negative test on day 5 or after, they may be allowed to return on day 6 or after.
If a child has a fever, pain, or discomfort from any cause and it is having a negative impact on their therapy, we may ask that you keep your child at home or come pick up your child.
Staff will continue to self-monitor their own symptoms, report positive test results to Owner, and stay home when they are sick. We continue to encourage all staff to stay up-to-date on all vaccines and boosters. Based on their own personal preferences and risk levels, staff may choose to continue to wear masks at any time at their own discretion.

If there is a significant increase in the number of children or staff absences as a result of this new protocol, we may re-implement our previous protocols, making masks mandatory again for all staff and families as needed.
Thank you for your continued support for the safety of the other families and our staff, and for allowing us to serve your child. If you have questions or concerns about this change, please let us know.
Vice Versa Team